@extends('master') @section('title', 'To Sell') @section('description', 'Uni-Vate Properties provides a reliable platform from which to advertise and sell tender weeks within the timeshare industry.') @section('keywords', 'Timeshare selling, where to sell my timeshare, Uni-Vate Properties, Uni-Vate timeshare, timeshare for sale, tender weeks available, sell my tender week') @section('content')

To Sell @if(Auth::check() && Auth::user()->agency!=NULL or (Auth::check() && Auth::user()->role=="admin")) Bulk Weeks upload @endif

* You need to be logged in to submit your listing. Please register and log in if you have not done so already.


@if(Auth::check() && (Auth::user()->role == "agency admin" or (Auth::user()->role == "user" && Auth::user()->agency)))
@if(Auth::check() && (Auth::user()->role == "agency admin" or (Auth::user()->role == "user" && Auth::user()->agency)))
Has your week been spacebanked for the current year?

Share transfer information

1. With respect to my timeshare module/week, I confirm that:

Arrival Date : Departure Date :

* A listing fee of R380 including VAT is payable to list your timeshare week/module on the Uni-Vate website

To rent your week out click here
