Letlabo Nature Reserve
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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  1. /*!
  2. * Documenter 2.0
  3. * http://rxa.li/documenter
  4. *
  5. * Copyright 2011, Xaver Birsak
  6. * http://revaxarts.com
  7. *
  8. */
  9. $(document).ready(function() {
  10. var timeout,
  11. sections = new Array(),
  12. sectionscount = 0,
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  21. badIE = $('html').prop('class').match(/ie(6|7|8)/)|| false;
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  23. $('a[href^=http]').bind('click',function(){
  24. window.open($(this).attr('href'));
  25. return false;
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  27. //IE 8 and lower doesn't like the smooth pagescroll
  28. if(!badIE){
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  33. goTo(hash);
  34. return false;
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  37. if(hash){
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  42. }
  43. //We need the position of each section until the full page with all images is loaded
  44. win.bind('load',function(){
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  46. //Documentation has subcategories
  47. if(nav.find('ol').length){
  48. sectionselector = 'section, h4';
  49. }
  50. //saving some information
  51. $(sectionselector).each(function(i,e){
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  53. var p = {
  54. id: this.id,
  55. pos: _this.offset().top
  56. };
  57. sections.push(p);
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  60. if(iDeviceNotOS4){
  61. nav.find('a').bind('click',function(){
  62. setTimeout(function(){
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  67. window.scroll(0,0);
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  72. win.bind('scroll',function(event){
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  74. //should occur with a delay
  75. timeout = setTimeout(function(){
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  84. activateNav(pos);
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  87. });
  88. //the function is called when the hash changes
  89. function hashchange(){
  90. goTo(location.hash, false);
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  93. function goTo(hash,changehash){
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  95. hash = hash.replace(/!\//,'');
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  98. axis:'y'
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  127. win.bind('hashchange', hashchange);
  128. break;
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  132. // make code pretty
  133. window.prettyPrint && prettyPrint();
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