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30117125 c46ee2e7b6 Payment Gateway Redirect 4 vuotta sitten
.config Email changes 5 vuotta sitten
Containers Terms and Conditions 4 vuotta sitten
Context Terms and Conditions 4 vuotta sitten
Controllers Payment Gateway Redirect 4 vuotta sitten
Helpers Email and Paygate Redirect 4 vuotta sitten
Migrations Terms and Conditions 4 vuotta sitten
Model Terms and Conditions 4 vuotta sitten
Properties Added Added Is Deleted 5 vuotta sitten
Repository Terms and Conditions 4 vuotta sitten
Enums.cs Univate.2 > Timeshare To Sell Changes 4 vuotta sitten
Program.cs Sorting issues form last publish & bug created when property model was changed 4 vuotta sitten
Startup.cs Merge branch 'master' of http://provision-sa.co.za:3000/Provision/UnivatePropertiesAPI 4 vuotta sitten
UnivateProperties_API.csproj Seperate Mail Controller for contact us 4 vuotta sitten
appsettings.Development.json Check in of API 5 vuotta sitten
appsettings.json Update on fee 4 vuotta sitten