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George Williams 8e26f883ba Changed DB to SQL - As published to QA 4 years ago
.config Email changes 5 years ago
Containers Landing pages 4 years ago
Context Changed DB to SQL - As published to QA 4 years ago
Controllers Landing pages 4 years ago
Helpers Landing pages 4 years ago
Migrations Changed DB to SQL - As published to QA 4 years ago
Model Changed DB to SQL - As published to QA 4 years ago
Properties Added Added Is Deleted 5 years ago
Repository Landing pages 4 years ago
Enums.cs Added status type 5 years ago
Program.cs Changed DB to SQL - As published to QA 4 years ago
Startup.cs Changed DB to SQL - As published to QA 4 years ago
UnivateProperties_API.csproj Changed DB to SQL - As published to QA 4 years ago
appsettings.Development.json Check in of API 5 years ago
appsettings.json Changed DB to SQL - As published to QA 4 years ago