123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860 |
- ///// ///// ///// /////
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- ///// ///// ///// /////
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- /**
- * ScrollReveal
- * ------------
- * Version : 3.3.6
- * Website : scrollrevealjs.org
- * Repo : github.com/jlmakes/scrollreveal.js
- * Author : Julian Lloyd (@jlmakes)
- */
- ;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var sr
- var _requestAnimationFrame
- function ScrollReveal (config) {
- // Support instantiation without the `new` keyword.
- if (typeof this === 'undefined' || Object.getPrototypeOf(this) !== ScrollReveal.prototype) {
- return new ScrollReveal(config)
- }
- sr = this // Save reference to instance.
- sr.version = '3.3.6'
- sr.tools = new Tools() // *required utilities
- if (sr.isSupported()) {
- sr.tools.extend(sr.defaults, config || {})
- sr.defaults.container = _resolveContainer(sr.defaults)
- sr.store = {
- elements: {},
- containers: []
- }
- sr.sequences = {}
- sr.history = []
- sr.uid = 0
- sr.initialized = false
- } else if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console !== null) {
- // Note: IE9 only supports console if devtools are open.
- console.log('ScrollReveal is not supported in this browser.')
- }
- return sr
- }
- /**
- * Configuration
- * -------------
- * This object signature can be passed directly to the ScrollReveal constructor,
- * or as the second argument of the `reveal()` method.
- */
- ScrollReveal.prototype.defaults = {
- // 'bottom', 'left', 'top', 'right'
- origin: 'bottom',
- // Can be any valid CSS distance, e.g. '5rem', '10%', '20vw', etc.
- distance: '20px',
- // Time in milliseconds.
- duration: 500,
- delay: 0,
- // Starting angles in degrees, will transition from these values to 0 in all axes.
- rotate: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
- // Starting opacity value, before transitioning to the computed opacity.
- opacity: 0,
- // Starting scale value, will transition from this value to 1
- scale: 0.9,
- // Accepts any valid CSS easing, e.g. 'ease', 'ease-in-out', 'linear', etc.
- easing: 'cubic-bezier(0.6, 0.2, 0.1, 1)',
- // `<html>` is the default reveal container. You can pass either:
- // DOM Node, e.g. document.querySelector('.fooContainer')
- // Selector, e.g. '.fooContainer'
- container: window.document.documentElement,
- // true/false to control reveal animations on mobile.
- mobile: true,
- // true: reveals occur every time elements become visible
- // false: reveals occur once as elements become visible
- reset: false,
- // 'always' — delay for all reveal animations
- // 'once' — delay only the first time reveals occur
- // 'onload' - delay only for animations triggered by first load
- useDelay: 'always',
- // Change when an element is considered in the viewport. The default value
- // of 0.20 means 20% of an element must be visible for its reveal to occur.
- viewFactor: 0.2,
- // Pixel values that alter the container boundaries.
- // e.g. Set `{ top: 48 }`, if you have a 48px tall fixed toolbar.
- // --
- // Visual Aid: https://scrollrevealjs.org/assets/viewoffset.png
- viewOffset: { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 },
- // Callbacks that fire for each triggered element reveal, and reset.
- beforeReveal: function (domEl) {},
- beforeReset: function (domEl) {},
- // Callbacks that fire for each completed element reveal, and reset.
- afterReveal: function (domEl) {},
- afterReset: function (domEl) {}
- }
- /**
- * Check if client supports CSS Transform and CSS Transition.
- * @return {boolean}
- */
- ScrollReveal.prototype.isSupported = function () {
- var style = document.documentElement.style
- return 'WebkitTransition' in style && 'WebkitTransform' in style ||
- 'transition' in style && 'transform' in style
- }
- /**
- * Creates a reveal set, a group of elements that will animate when they
- * become visible. If [interval] is provided, a new sequence is created
- * that will ensure elements reveal in the order they appear in the DOM.
- *
- * @param {Node|NodeList|string} [target] The node, node list or selector to use for animation.
- * @param {Object} [config] Override the defaults for this reveal set.
- * @param {number} [interval] Time between sequenced element animations (milliseconds).
- * @param {boolean} [sync] Used internally when updating reveals for async content.
- *
- * @return {Object} The current ScrollReveal instance.
- */
- ScrollReveal.prototype.reveal = function (target, config, interval, sync) {
- var container
- var elements
- var elem
- var elemId
- var sequence
- var sequenceId
- // No custom configuration was passed, but a sequence interval instead.
- // let’s shuffle things around to make sure everything works.
- if (config !== undefined && typeof config === 'number') {
- interval = config
- config = {}
- } else if (config === undefined || config === null) {
- config = {}
- }
- container = _resolveContainer(config)
- elements = _getRevealElements(target, container)
- if (!elements.length) {
- console.log('ScrollReveal: reveal on "' + target + '" failed, no elements found.')
- return sr
- }
- // Prepare a new sequence if an interval is passed.
- if (interval && typeof interval === 'number') {
- sequenceId = _nextUid()
- sequence = sr.sequences[sequenceId] = {
- id: sequenceId,
- interval: interval,
- elemIds: [],
- active: false
- }
- }
- // Begin main loop to configure ScrollReveal elements.
- for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
- // Check if the element has already been configured and grab it from the store.
- elemId = elements[i].getAttribute('data-sr-id')
- if (elemId) {
- elem = sr.store.elements[elemId]
- } else {
- // Otherwise, let’s do some basic setup.
- elem = {
- id: _nextUid(),
- domEl: elements[i],
- seen: false,
- revealing: false
- }
- elem.domEl.setAttribute('data-sr-id', elem.id)
- }
- // Sequence only setup
- if (sequence) {
- elem.sequence = {
- id: sequence.id,
- index: sequence.elemIds.length
- }
- sequence.elemIds.push(elem.id)
- }
- // New or existing element, it’s time to update its configuration, styles,
- // and send the updates to our store.
- _configure(elem, config, container)
- _style(elem)
- _updateStore(elem)
- // We need to make sure elements are set to visibility: visible, even when
- // on mobile and `config.mobile === false`, or if unsupported.
- if (sr.tools.isMobile() && !elem.config.mobile || !sr.isSupported()) {
- elem.domEl.setAttribute('style', elem.styles.inline)
- elem.disabled = true
- } else if (!elem.revealing) {
- // Otherwise, proceed normally.
- elem.domEl.setAttribute('style',
- elem.styles.inline +
- elem.styles.transform.initial
- )
- }
- }
- // Each `reveal()` is recorded so that when calling `sync()` while working
- // with asynchronously loaded content, it can re-trace your steps but with
- // all your new elements now in the DOM.
- // Since `reveal()` is called internally by `sync()`, we don’t want to
- // record or intiialize each reveal during syncing.
- if (!sync && sr.isSupported()) {
- _record(target, config, interval)
- // We push initialization to the event queue using setTimeout, so that we can
- // give ScrollReveal room to process all reveal calls before putting things into motion.
- // --
- // Philip Roberts - What the heck is the event loop anyway? (JSConf EU 2014)
- // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aGhZQkoFbQ
- if (sr.initTimeout) {
- window.clearTimeout(sr.initTimeout)
- }
- sr.initTimeout = window.setTimeout(_init, 0)
- }
- return sr
- }
- /**
- * Re-runs `reveal()` for each record stored in history, effectively capturing
- * any content loaded asynchronously that matches existing reveal set targets.
- * @return {Object} The current ScrollReveal instance.
- */
- ScrollReveal.prototype.sync = function () {
- if (sr.history.length && sr.isSupported()) {
- for (var i = 0; i < sr.history.length; i++) {
- var record = sr.history[i]
- sr.reveal(record.target, record.config, record.interval, true)
- }
- _init()
- } else {
- console.log('ScrollReveal: sync failed, no reveals found.')
- }
- return sr
- }
- /**
- * Private Methods
- * ---------------
- */
- function _resolveContainer (config) {
- if (config && config.container) {
- if (typeof config.container === 'string') {
- return window.document.documentElement.querySelector(config.container)
- } else if (sr.tools.isNode(config.container)) {
- return config.container
- } else {
- console.log('ScrollReveal: invalid container "' + config.container + '" provided.')
- console.log('ScrollReveal: falling back to default container.')
- }
- }
- return sr.defaults.container
- }
- /**
- * check to see if a node or node list was passed in as the target,
- * otherwise query the container using target as a selector.
- *
- * @param {Node|NodeList|string} [target] client input for reveal target.
- * @param {Node} [container] parent element for selector queries.
- *
- * @return {array} elements to be revealed.
- */
- function _getRevealElements (target, container) {
- if (typeof target === 'string') {
- return Array.prototype.slice.call(container.querySelectorAll(target))
- } else if (sr.tools.isNode(target)) {
- return [target]
- } else if (sr.tools.isNodeList(target)) {
- return Array.prototype.slice.call(target)
- }
- return []
- }
- /**
- * A consistent way of creating unique IDs.
- * @returns {number}
- */
- function _nextUid () {
- return ++sr.uid
- }
- function _configure (elem, config, container) {
- // If a container was passed as a part of the config object,
- // let’s overwrite it with the resolved container passed in.
- if (config.container) config.container = container
- // If the element hasn’t already been configured, let’s use a clone of the
- // defaults extended by the configuration passed as the second argument.
- if (!elem.config) {
- elem.config = sr.tools.extendClone(sr.defaults, config)
- } else {
- // Otherwise, let’s use a clone of the existing element configuration extended
- // by the configuration passed as the second argument.
- elem.config = sr.tools.extendClone(elem.config, config)
- }
- // Infer CSS Transform axis from origin string.
- if (elem.config.origin === 'top' || elem.config.origin === 'bottom') {
- elem.config.axis = 'Y'
- } else {
- elem.config.axis = 'X'
- }
- }
- function _style (elem) {
- var computed = window.getComputedStyle(elem.domEl)
- if (!elem.styles) {
- elem.styles = {
- transition: {},
- transform: {},
- computed: {}
- }
- // Capture any existing inline styles, and add our visibility override.
- // --
- // See section 4.2. in the Documentation:
- // https://github.com/jlmakes/scrollreveal.js#42-improve-user-experience
- elem.styles.inline = elem.domEl.getAttribute('style') || ''
- elem.styles.inline += '; visibility: visible; '
- // grab the elements existing opacity.
- elem.styles.computed.opacity = computed.opacity
- // grab the elements existing transitions.
- if (!computed.transition || computed.transition === 'all 0s ease 0s') {
- elem.styles.computed.transition = ''
- } else {
- elem.styles.computed.transition = computed.transition + ', '
- }
- }
- // Create transition styles
- elem.styles.transition.instant = _generateTransition(elem, 0)
- elem.styles.transition.delayed = _generateTransition(elem, elem.config.delay)
- // Generate transform styles, first with the webkit prefix.
- elem.styles.transform.initial = ' -webkit-transform:'
- elem.styles.transform.target = ' -webkit-transform:'
- _generateTransform(elem)
- // And again without any prefix.
- elem.styles.transform.initial += 'transform:'
- elem.styles.transform.target += 'transform:'
- _generateTransform(elem)
- }
- function _generateTransition (elem, delay) {
- var config = elem.config
- return '-webkit-transition: ' + elem.styles.computed.transition +
- '-webkit-transform ' + config.duration / 1000 + 's ' +
- config.easing + ' ' +
- delay / 1000 + 's, opacity ' +
- config.duration / 1000 + 's ' +
- config.easing + ' ' +
- delay / 1000 + 's; ' +
- 'transition: ' + elem.styles.computed.transition +
- 'transform ' + config.duration / 1000 + 's ' +
- config.easing + ' ' +
- delay / 1000 + 's, opacity ' +
- config.duration / 1000 + 's ' +
- config.easing + ' ' +
- delay / 1000 + 's; '
- }
- function _generateTransform (elem) {
- var config = elem.config
- var cssDistance
- var transform = elem.styles.transform
- // Let’s make sure our our pixel distances are negative for top and left.
- // e.g. origin = 'top' and distance = '25px' starts at `top: -25px` in CSS.
- if (config.origin === 'top' || config.origin === 'left') {
- cssDistance = /^-/.test(config.distance)
- ? config.distance.substr(1)
- : '-' + config.distance
- } else {
- cssDistance = config.distance
- }
- if (parseInt(config.distance)) {
- transform.initial += ' translate' + config.axis + '(' + cssDistance + ')'
- transform.target += ' translate' + config.axis + '(0)'
- }
- if (config.scale) {
- transform.initial += ' scale(' + config.scale + ')'
- transform.target += ' scale(1)'
- }
- if (config.rotate.x) {
- transform.initial += ' rotateX(' + config.rotate.x + 'deg)'
- transform.target += ' rotateX(0)'
- }
- if (config.rotate.y) {
- transform.initial += ' rotateY(' + config.rotate.y + 'deg)'
- transform.target += ' rotateY(0)'
- }
- if (config.rotate.z) {
- transform.initial += ' rotateZ(' + config.rotate.z + 'deg)'
- transform.target += ' rotateZ(0)'
- }
- transform.initial += '; opacity: ' + config.opacity + ';'
- transform.target += '; opacity: ' + elem.styles.computed.opacity + ';'
- }
- function _updateStore (elem) {
- var container = elem.config.container
- // If this element’s container isn’t already in the store, let’s add it.
- if (container && sr.store.containers.indexOf(container) === -1) {
- sr.store.containers.push(elem.config.container)
- }
- // Update the element stored with our new element.
- sr.store.elements[elem.id] = elem
- }
- function _record (target, config, interval) {
- // Save the `reveal()` arguments that triggered this `_record()` call, so we
- // can re-trace our steps when calling the `sync()` method.
- var record = {
- target: target,
- config: config,
- interval: interval
- }
- sr.history.push(record)
- }
- function _init () {
- if (sr.isSupported()) {
- // Initial animate call triggers valid reveal animations on first load.
- // Subsequent animate calls are made inside the event handler.
- _animate()
- // Then we loop through all container nodes in the store and bind event
- // listeners to each.
- for (var i = 0; i < sr.store.containers.length; i++) {
- sr.store.containers[i].addEventListener('scroll', _handler)
- sr.store.containers[i].addEventListener('resize', _handler)
- }
- // Let’s also do a one-time binding of window event listeners.
- if (!sr.initialized) {
- window.addEventListener('scroll', _handler)
- window.addEventListener('resize', _handler)
- sr.initialized = true
- }
- }
- return sr
- }
- function _handler () {
- _requestAnimationFrame(_animate)
- }
- function _setActiveSequences () {
- var active
- var elem
- var elemId
- var sequence
- // Loop through all sequences
- sr.tools.forOwn(sr.sequences, function (sequenceId) {
- sequence = sr.sequences[sequenceId]
- active = false
- // For each sequenced elemenet, let’s check visibility and if
- // any are visible, set it’s sequence to active.
- for (var i = 0; i < sequence.elemIds.length; i++) {
- elemId = sequence.elemIds[i]
- elem = sr.store.elements[elemId]
- if (_isElemVisible(elem) && !active) {
- active = true
- }
- }
- sequence.active = active
- })
- }
- function _animate () {
- var delayed
- var elem
- _setActiveSequences()
- // Loop through all elements in the store
- sr.tools.forOwn(sr.store.elements, function (elemId) {
- elem = sr.store.elements[elemId]
- delayed = _shouldUseDelay(elem)
- // Let’s see if we should revealand if so,
- // trigger the `beforeReveal` callback and
- // determine whether or not to use delay.
- if (_shouldReveal(elem)) {
- elem.config.beforeReveal(elem.domEl)
- if (delayed) {
- elem.domEl.setAttribute('style',
- elem.styles.inline +
- elem.styles.transform.target +
- elem.styles.transition.delayed
- )
- } else {
- elem.domEl.setAttribute('style',
- elem.styles.inline +
- elem.styles.transform.target +
- elem.styles.transition.instant
- )
- }
- // Let’s queue the `afterReveal` callback
- // and mark the element as seen and revealing.
- _queueCallback('reveal', elem, delayed)
- elem.revealing = true
- elem.seen = true
- if (elem.sequence) {
- _queueNextInSequence(elem, delayed)
- }
- } else if (_shouldReset(elem)) {
- //Otherwise reset our element and
- // trigger the `beforeReset` callback.
- elem.config.beforeReset(elem.domEl)
- elem.domEl.setAttribute('style',
- elem.styles.inline +
- elem.styles.transform.initial +
- elem.styles.transition.instant
- )
- // And queue the `afterReset` callback.
- _queueCallback('reset', elem)
- elem.revealing = false
- }
- })
- }
- function _queueNextInSequence (elem, delayed) {
- var elapsed = 0
- var delay = 0
- var sequence = sr.sequences[elem.sequence.id]
- // We’re processing a sequenced element, so let's block other elements in this sequence.
- sequence.blocked = true
- // Since we’re triggering animations a part of a sequence after animations on first load,
- // we need to check for that condition and explicitly add the delay to our timer.
- if (delayed && elem.config.useDelay === 'onload') {
- delay = elem.config.delay
- }
- // If a sequence timer is already running, capture the elapsed time and clear it.
- if (elem.sequence.timer) {
- elapsed = Math.abs(elem.sequence.timer.started - new Date())
- window.clearTimeout(elem.sequence.timer)
- }
- // Start a new timer.
- elem.sequence.timer = { started: new Date() }
- elem.sequence.timer.clock = window.setTimeout(function () {
- // Sequence interval has passed, so unblock the sequence and re-run the handler.
- sequence.blocked = false
- elem.sequence.timer = null
- _handler()
- }, Math.abs(sequence.interval) + delay - elapsed)
- }
- function _queueCallback (type, elem, delayed) {
- var elapsed = 0
- var duration = 0
- var callback = 'after'
- // Check which callback we’re working with.
- switch (type) {
- case 'reveal':
- duration = elem.config.duration
- if (delayed) {
- duration += elem.config.delay
- }
- callback += 'Reveal'
- break
- case 'reset':
- duration = elem.config.duration
- callback += 'Reset'
- break
- }
- // If a timer is already running, capture the elapsed time and clear it.
- if (elem.timer) {
- elapsed = Math.abs(elem.timer.started - new Date())
- window.clearTimeout(elem.timer.clock)
- }
- // Start a new timer.
- elem.timer = { started: new Date() }
- elem.timer.clock = window.setTimeout(function () {
- // The timer completed, so let’s fire the callback and null the timer.
- elem.config[callback](elem.domEl)
- elem.timer = null
- }, duration - elapsed)
- }
- function _shouldReveal (elem) {
- if (elem.sequence) {
- var sequence = sr.sequences[elem.sequence.id]
- return sequence.active &&
- !sequence.blocked &&
- !elem.revealing &&
- !elem.disabled
- }
- return _isElemVisible(elem) &&
- !elem.revealing &&
- !elem.disabled
- }
- function _shouldUseDelay (elem) {
- var config = elem.config.useDelay
- return config === 'always' ||
- (config === 'onload' && !sr.initialized) ||
- (config === 'once' && !elem.seen)
- }
- function _shouldReset (elem) {
- if (elem.sequence) {
- var sequence = sr.sequences[elem.sequence.id]
- return !sequence.active &&
- elem.config.reset &&
- elem.revealing &&
- !elem.disabled
- }
- return !_isElemVisible(elem) &&
- elem.config.reset &&
- elem.revealing &&
- !elem.disabled
- }
- function _getContainer (container) {
- return {
- width: container.clientWidth,
- height: container.clientHeight
- }
- }
- function _getScrolled (container) {
- // Return the container scroll values, plus the its offset.
- if (container && container !== window.document.documentElement) {
- var offset = _getOffset(container)
- return {
- x: container.scrollLeft + offset.left,
- y: container.scrollTop + offset.top
- }
- } else {
- // Otherwise, default to the window object’s scroll values.
- return {
- x: window.pageXOffset,
- y: window.pageYOffset
- }
- }
- }
- function _getOffset (domEl) {
- var offsetTop = 0
- var offsetLeft = 0
- // Grab the element’s dimensions.
- var offsetHeight = domEl.offsetHeight
- var offsetWidth = domEl.offsetWidth
- // Now calculate the distance between the element and its parent, then
- // again for the parent to its parent, and again etc... until we have the
- // total distance of the element to the document’s top and left origin.
- do {
- if (!isNaN(domEl.offsetTop)) {
- offsetTop += domEl.offsetTop
- }
- if (!isNaN(domEl.offsetLeft)) {
- offsetLeft += domEl.offsetLeft
- }
- domEl = domEl.offsetParent
- } while (domEl)
- return {
- top: offsetTop,
- left: offsetLeft,
- height: offsetHeight,
- width: offsetWidth
- }
- }
- function _isElemVisible (elem) {
- var offset = _getOffset(elem.domEl)
- var container = _getContainer(elem.config.container)
- var scrolled = _getScrolled(elem.config.container)
- var vF = elem.config.viewFactor
- // Define the element geometry.
- var elemHeight = offset.height
- var elemWidth = offset.width
- var elemTop = offset.top
- var elemLeft = offset.left
- var elemBottom = elemTop + elemHeight
- var elemRight = elemLeft + elemWidth
- return confirmBounds() || isPositionFixed()
- function confirmBounds () {
- // Define the element’s functional boundaries using its view factor.
- var top = elemTop + elemHeight * vF
- var left = elemLeft + elemWidth * vF
- var bottom = elemBottom - elemHeight * vF
- var right = elemRight - elemWidth * vF
- // Define the container functional boundaries using its view offset.
- var viewTop = scrolled.y + elem.config.viewOffset.top
- var viewLeft = scrolled.x + elem.config.viewOffset.left
- var viewBottom = scrolled.y - elem.config.viewOffset.bottom + container.height
- var viewRight = scrolled.x - elem.config.viewOffset.right + container.width
- return top < viewBottom &&
- bottom > viewTop &&
- left < viewRight &&
- right > viewLeft
- }
- function isPositionFixed () {
- return (window.getComputedStyle(elem.domEl).position === 'fixed')
- }
- }
- /**
- * Utilities
- * ---------
- */
- function Tools () {}
- Tools.prototype.isObject = function (object) {
- return object !== null && typeof object === 'object' && object.constructor === Object
- }
- Tools.prototype.isNode = function (object) {
- return typeof window.Node === 'object'
- ? object instanceof window.Node
- : object && typeof object === 'object' &&
- typeof object.nodeType === 'number' &&
- typeof object.nodeName === 'string'
- }
- Tools.prototype.isNodeList = function (object) {
- var prototypeToString = Object.prototype.toString.call(object)
- var regex = /^\[object (HTMLCollection|NodeList|Object)\]$/
- return typeof window.NodeList === 'object'
- ? object instanceof window.NodeList
- : object && typeof object === 'object' &&
- regex.test(prototypeToString) &&
- typeof object.length === 'number' &&
- (object.length === 0 || this.isNode(object[0]))
- }
- Tools.prototype.forOwn = function (object, callback) {
- if (!this.isObject(object)) {
- throw new TypeError('Expected "object", but received "' + typeof object + '".')
- } else {
- for (var property in object) {
- if (object.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
- callback(property)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Tools.prototype.extend = function (target, source) {
- this.forOwn(source, function (property) {
- if (this.isObject(source[property])) {
- if (!target[property] || !this.isObject(target[property])) {
- target[property] = {}
- }
- this.extend(target[property], source[property])
- } else {
- target[property] = source[property]
- }
- }.bind(this))
- return target
- }
- Tools.prototype.extendClone = function (target, source) {
- return this.extend(this.extend({}, target), source)
- }
- Tools.prototype.isMobile = function () {
- return /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)
- }
- /**
- * Polyfills
- * --------
- */
- _requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame ||
- window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
- window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
- function (callback) {
- window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60)
- }
- /**
- * Module Wrapper
- * --------------
- */
- if (typeof define === 'function' && typeof define.amd === 'object' && define.amd) {
- define(function () {
- return ScrollReveal
- })
- } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
- module.exports = ScrollReveal
- } else {
- window.ScrollReveal = ScrollReveal
- }
- })();