# UnivateProperties ## Project setup ``` npm install ``` ### Compiles and hot-reloads for development ``` npm run serve ``` ### Compiles and minifies for production ``` npm run build ``` ### Run your tests ``` npm run test ``` ### Lints and fixes files ``` npm run lint ``` ### Customize configuration See [Configuration Reference](https://cli.vuejs.org/config/). ### Structure ├── index.html ├── main.js ├── assets │ └── staticData │ ├── alertTypes.js │ ├── itemsPerPage.js │ ├── maritalStatus.js │ ├── components │ ├── App.vue │ └── ... └── store ├── index.js # where we assemble modules and export the store ├── actions.js # root actions ├── mutations.js # root mutations └── modules ├── cart.js # cart module └── products.js # products module ### Tender Weeks http://www.unipoint-consoft.co.za/nph-srep.exe?cluvavail.sch&CLUB=LPA&RESORT=ALL&SUMMARY=N&HEAD=Y that is the url to call the tender week HEAD=Y will give a heading = HEAD=N (no headings) ok i have done the "banking" option for UV to hold a week i have created a test option to run on backup data so you can test for available units http://www.unipoint-consoft.co.za/nph-srep.exe?cluvavail_test.sch&CLUB=LPA&RESORT=ALL&SUMMARY=N&HEAD=Y the call with \_test on the end uses the daily backed up test data for the live data then leave the \_test off ok to put a week on hold got Univate - ie if client is interested - theis will remove it from availability while documentation etc is being done http://www.unipoint-consoft.co.za/nph-srep.exe?cluvbank_test.sch&CLUB=LPA&TYPE=BANK&RESORT=KK&UNIT=009&MODULE=32&YEAR=2020&BANKTO=UV the TYPE= BANK puts the week on HOLD for UNIVATE - YEAR=2019 for this year or 2020 for next year if you want to cancel the booking use http://www.unipoint-consoft.co.za/nph-srep.exe?cluvbank_test.sch&CLUB=LPA&TYPE=CANCEL&RESORT=KK&UNIT=009&MODULE=32&YEAR=2020&BANKTO=UV if you get a SUCCESS response it means it worked otherwise will return error messages to tell you what the issue is